Earl Sweatshirt, raps without pause, Refuses to Code switch on “December 24”

An unearthing exposé on American Standard English to Ebonics. Earl Sweatshirt’s December 24 is a selection from his EP, Some Rap Songs. The opening sample comes from The… Read more “Earl Sweatshirt, raps without pause, Refuses to Code switch on “December 24””

rapNthought: Why Do We Care That Lauryn Hill Said No To Oprah?

Rap Decoded by the Overthinker

Apparently, the “rapper-slash-actor, more powerful than two Cleopatra’s” did the unthinkable. Lauryn Hill declined an invitation from talk show giant Oprah Winfrey. The media herald attempted to reach out to L. Boogie for OWN’s “Next Chapter” and was unsuccessful. Of course, this is not news fans wanted to hear. Twitter went rampant, blogs painted the headlines in red….But, why do we care that Lauryn Hill said no to Oprah?


12 Questions I Ask Myself at a Rap Show

Rap Decoded by the Overthinker

One of the common rituals we endure in our 20 somethings are rap shows. They’re a nice break from the club/no-life young people encounter due to being freshly educated and broke. Somewhere amongst the remembrance of friends, booze and dope beats, our minds are plagued with acute-amnesia and we forget our vivid inner-monologue.
